EK Association

Revival of Disappearing Architectural Professions

The long-term objective of REDIAPRO’s partnership is a contribution to the forming of a small scale construction industry from traditional architectural professions, building customs and architecture-related handicrafts. The program makes a suggestion for relinking the former connections between handicrafts and architecture while providing a working model for the comeback of arts and crafts to the architectural thinking and contributing to the revival of the old and disappearing building traditions. The movement’s general aim is strengthening the local communities with preserving their unique culture and providing valuable professions, lifetime occupations locally, especially in rural and disadvantaged areas.

The program plans to collect all the disappearing architectural professions, building techniques and architecture-related crafts in order to conceive future strategies for them as part of the new workshop-based building industry. This aim is reached by a transnational research carried out through workshop activities held by the representatives, masters of the selected crafts. As part of these activities there will be talks recorded and short films shot with the profession representatives showing their every-day work and their thoughts about the future possibilities. Based on the research there will be a comprehensive study published by the members of the consortium about the possible played roles by these crafts as part of the new branch of building industry with important modern-time requirements taken into consideration like ecological thinking and sustainability. The study and the collection of short films popularizing craftsmanship will provide good basis for VET sector to change the current curriculum and to assemble new learning materials for new generations of artisans who are closely connected to constructional activities and restoration works.


The consortium is consists of eight participating organisations with various profiles: architects, VET institutions, builders of traditional building methods, representatives of artisans, heritage professionals and restorers. The main product of the partnership will be an online platform containing the common study and collection of short films popularizing craftsmanship. The platform’s main objective will be the creation of an international network with the same representatives that the partnership owns. This network with its registered users and forum possibilities will act as an international database and medium for exchanging best practices and realized examples while conceiving new project ideas and courses of actions in order to reach common goals of the growing community.


EK Association (ÉK Egyesület), Budapest, Hungary


Cultural and Educational Intervention Center Doctum, Granada, Spain
Vilnius Association of Fine Crafts, Vilnius, Lithuania
E.C.I.P.A. UMBRIA, Perugia, Italy
Stroyexpert – SEK Ltd, Sofia, Bulgaria
Vanaajamaja Association, Mooste, Estonia
Tektum Architectural Studio, Cluj Napoca, Romania
Edinburgh World Heritage, Edinburgh, United Kingdom